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Help support your immune system to be as resilient as possible: this on-line course teaches you how!

We each have the ability to help or hinder our own health, whether that’s by limiting the effects of a health issue or by making lifestyle choices to help reduce the risk of disease. Even if you’re currently suffering with health issues or co-morbidities, it’s never too late to make some real changes that can help right now.


Of course, you might feel you’re healthy enough - but health is not constant, it changes depending on what we do, how we eat, rest, exercise and sleep. And these health needs change throughout our different life stages.


In other words, there’s always something each of us can do to improve our resilience to viruses, infections, development of co-morbidities and risk of ill-health. 


Cutting through the jargon, this course gives you expert advice and practical methods to help you stay as healthy and resilient as possible. Functioning is one thing, but living life well is altogether another.


Booking Terms

Information given is general health and fitness advice. If you have any medical concerns or queries reagrding its relevance to you, you are advised to speak to your GP or medical advisor first. Amanda Heading cannot be held responsible for any injuries sustained whilst following this course.


By completing the sign-up and paying the course fee, you agree to the Terms & Conditions.

This online course comprises eight videos, with over six hours of information including:

  • Unit 1 - What actually is the immune system, how well is yours working and how is it depleted or improved?

  • Unit 2 - Barriers to infection and your gut bacteria:  why the gut makes up to 70% of your immunity, and how you can help make them work better for you.

  • Unit 3 - Food vs Supplements: the essential role of vitamins and minerals in health, the key ones for immunity and where you can get them from.

  • Unit 4 - Stress vs Over-load vs Oxidative stress. The good, bad and ugly – did you know that some stress is beneficial?

  • Unit 5 - How lack of sleep contributes to reduced immunity and health, and how to enjoy a better quality of sleep.

  • Unit 6 - Weight and blood sugar control.  How being over-weight increases your risk of ill-health and why it’s not just about over-eating.

  • Unit 7 - Exercise for health and harm. How much is too much, how little is good enough?

  • Unit 8 - How to create new habits to improve your immune resilience and enjoy better health long-term.

Each unit is delivered by video presentation, with key points summarised and downloadable handouts in addition.

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